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Durable Medical Equipment Loan

About Our Durable Medical Equipment Loan Program: At times, Putney residents and their families offer us durable medical equipment that they no longer need.  Our Durable Medical Equipment Program allows people who cannot afford such equipment to access it at no cost to them.


How Do I Donate Durable Medical Equipment to Putney Community Cares?: Please contact us at or (802) 387-5593 to schedule a time for you to drop off the items you would like to donate.  PLEASE DO NOT DROP OFF EQUIPMENT WITHOUT AN APPOINTMENT. We handle donations on a case-by-case basis depending on need for the particular item(s). Please do not assume you can drop off items unless you speak to a staff member.


Who Can Borrow?: We loan out equipment primarily to individuals. We also have a network of local healthcare professionals, occupational and physical therapists and visiting nurses who borrow equipment for their clients. Although we have no geographic restrictions, most of our borrowers come from Vermont.  All equipment loans are free of charge. We ask that the item be returned to us when it is no longer needed.


How It Works: Each item donated has been evaluated, accepted, cleaned, logged into our inventory and finally placed in our storage room.  A potential borrower just needs to call to inquire if their desired item is available. If the equipment is not available, we put the individual on a waitlist for that item and contact them when the item is back in stock.


What We Require from Borrowers: Borrowers are required to list their name and contact info on a simple form that indicates the following acknowledgment: By accepting any item through the Durable Medical Equipment Loan Program, you hereby release Putney Community Cares (together with its operators, agents, employees, consultants and advisors) from any and all claims from injury or damage that may be sustained by accepting this loan. You further indemnify and hold harmless Putney Community Cares from and against any and all liability incurred by them in any way connected to your use of loaned equipment.


Loan times may vary:  for example, some borrowers may need a wheelchair for just one day, while other borrowers may need one for several months. We do ask that the items be returned when no longer needed, so they can be lent to others on our waitlist


What you can borrow: A wide variety of equipment, including but not limited to:


  • Wheelchairs

  • Walkers

  • Commodes

  • Canes and quad canes

  • Raised toilet seats

  • Shower chairs

  • Crutches

  • Transport wheelchairs

  • Regular wheelchairs

  • Hospital Bed

  • Hoyer Lift


Due to storage limitations donations must be approved:  We do accept donation of child diapers and adult briefs, which help to supply our diaper & brief bank. At times, we may choose not to accept donated items such as bed assist rails, bedpans, bed trays, ankle and leg boots, and blood-pressure kits, or large items such as hospital beds, Hoyer lifts, electric wheelchairs or scooters. 


What if I Break a Piece of Equipment on Loan to Me?: No problem!  Just notify us as to the severity of the break and we will instruct you whether we would like it returned for parts or whether you can just dispose of it yourself.  We would need to know the inventory number to mark the item as damaged or discarded in our database.


Are donations Tax Deductible?: Tax donation letters are available upon request at the time of donation or can be sent by mail to the donor. 


Contact Information:
Call (802) 387-5593 or

email Coordinator Ruby McAdoo,


© 2018 Putney Cares, Inc. 

Putney Community Cares, Inc. | 54 Kimball Hill | Putney, VT | 05346

Putney Community Cares does not sell, trade or

divulge any personal information to any entity.


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