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Wellness / Mental Health

Abuse, Neglect & Violence   

Elder abuse includes physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation. To learn more, visit the website of the National Council On Aging.


The Women’s Freedom Center
Supports all women who are survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence. Services include Safety planning, shelter, emergency transportation, individual & group support.
24-Hour Hotline: 802-254-6954 (collect calls accepted) or 800-228-7395 (toll-free in Windham County) Non-emergency: 802-257-7364


Domestic Violence Hotline
24-hour Hotline: 800-799-SAFE(7233)

Advocates who are deaf are available to help from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST via:
Videophone 855-812-1001
Instant Messenger (DeafHotline)


Alzheimer’s and Chronic Conditions

The Alzheimer's Association Vermont Chapter covers the state of Vermont. We help all those facing Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias by providing support groups and educational resources, while advancing crucial research and public policy initiatives. 24-HOUR HOTLINE: 800-272-3900


Home Health Agencies

Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice of Vermont and New Hampshire:
Admissions and Referrals: 800-575-5162
Business Office: 888-300-8853


Bayada Nurses
23 Marlboro Road, Suite 101,
Brattleboro, VT 05301


Health Care & Rehabilitation Services of Southeastern Vermont (HCRS)

Crisis/Emergency 24-Hour Hotline: or 800-622-4235
Brattleboro:  51 Fairview St., Brattleboro, VT 05301


Agency Headquarters
390 River St., Springfield, VT 05156


Division of the Blind & Visually Impaired

Springfield Regional Office

100 Mineral Street, Suite 301

Springfield, VT 05156-2306

802-885-9133 or 800-356-1526



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© 2018 Putney Cares, Inc. 

Putney Community Cares, Inc. | 54 Kimball Hill | Putney, VT | 05346

Putney Community Cares does not sell, trade or

divulge any personal information to any entity.


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